28 February 2013


Stephen Curry's stroke is an art to the sport of basketball....

27 February 2013

crazy medical checkup day

Chest X-Ray: A check for possible pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia and other lung diseases.

Electrocardiogram (ECG): An assessment for heart function and rhythm to detect any cardiac abnormalities.

Multiphasic Blood Tests: A series of blood tests to detect conditions such as gout, thyroid, anaemia, leukaemia, diabetes, hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, liver and kidney disorders, as well as high cholesterol (lipid screen).

Urinalysis: A test to infer the state of kidney function as well as of the urinary tract.

Cancer Screening: A series of blood tests to detect tumour markers produced by some cancer cells through simple blood tests. Screening tests exist for liver, colon, intestine, prostate, ovarian and nose cancers.

Ultrasonic Examination: A variety of tests to detect abnormalities in the liver, gall bladder, biliary system, pancreas, spleen and kidneys. It also helps to detect disorders of the pelvis, ovaries, uterus, bladder in women; and bladder and prostate disorders in men.

Lung Function Test: A test to determine the efficiency of the lungs and airways.

Audiometry: A test to assess hearing ability.

Treadmill Stress ECG: An assessment for physical fitness, heart condition and early detection of coronary heart diseases.

26 February 2013

the only genuine smile i had on a blue blue day, thanks to this.

25 February 2013

when a song coincidentally meets a picture...

Easter is coming in one month's time...

what will I be doing then?

no more smile

no more

it's all cold

22 February 2013

can't believe the five of us 27 year olds spent the night playing at a arcade...

and we were playing the funny game, Bishi Bashi...

so much fun though!

wish the night could last on and on....

18 February 2013

can't remember when was the last time I actually shared a room with a guy, apart from my brother...

high school mate is now sleeping in my room.. Great catching up again after so many many years... And I've learnt a lot from him too... I also envy how he and the gf communicate :) so pure and sharing daily moments via Skype... Very sweet...

I'm jealous...

14 February 2013

every night is a snoring concerto!!!

but me likey...

feels good to be home...

i wanna be back...

for good.... for now

09 February 2013

i cared too much..i'm too emotional..

i'm sorry........

i will become more sporting and care less...

08 February 2013

i never thought i would have the intention to really kill someone....but i do now

07 February 2013

did i screw it up again?

or it's a reaction for a normal person?


03 February 2013

heart aching dream..... :(

02 February 2013

freakish incident took place at Holland Villag yesterday around 11.30pm....

as i was told by witnesses, this couple, possible tipsy, was walking along the street and accidentally knocked off some beer bottles of a group of Malays who were chilling sitting on the street.

they apparently got pissed off, chased after the male and smashed his head on a stainless steel bar. resulting in bloods all over the floor.

police and ambulance took at least 15-20 min to reach. quite disappointing.

i hope they can get the culprit(s) caught and convicted. it's an ugly act.