been having so much activities recently......
Beach BBQ,
Farewell dinner,
Adventure World,
Strawberry Farm,
Bar drinking sessions,
Birthday Dinner,
Catchup Dinners,
Annual X'mas Dinner,
Movies =),
........feels so good to be at home tonight!
i MISS home SO MUCH!!!!!
WAS so looking forward for going back to Brunei two weeks later
i thought everything is settled or at least cooled down to some extent
unfortunately, that isn't the case
and I don't think that will ever be
why are you doing all this?
aren't you suppose to have the most life experience
and thus able to understand situations and conditions
why are you causing all the miseries?
i loved you....
but seriously, if what I've heard were true,
you might as well just not come back
i wish for a pleasant holiday trip home.....